Healing Ministry

Prayer teams pray for physical and spiritual healing on behalf of parishioners and their loved ones during the Wednesday service.

Lay Readers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the Bishop to read Old Testament Lessons, The Epistle, and Prayers of the People, and to administer the Chalice in the Eucharist. Lay Eucharistic Visitors also bring the Communion sacraments to the sick and shut-in who are unable to attend worship at Good Shepherd.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares the church for all worship services, including decorations for festivals and other special occasions, and maintains the vestments and altar serving pieces.


This group has the responsibility of greeting and welcoming members, visitors and guests to Good Shepherd. They provide assistance, information, direction and a warm welcome to all who worship at Good Shepherd. In addition, the Greeters sponsors Newcomers’ Receptions throughout the year.


Ushers greet arriving worshippers as they enter the church, gather the offering, and they guide people to the altar rail. Ushers also clean and straighten the pews after the service.